Monday 4 June 2012


In the 17th century, scientists are trying to make the first machines that could automate some operations
particularly emphasized by Blase Pascal and Leibnitz W. G.
Some of their principles are still used today (example Countdown kilometers driven in a car)
About 1830. Mr. Charles Babbage, with assistance from the British Government has achieved considerable success
He tried to make a machine for calculating the difference (engl. Difference Engine) and analytical machine (engl. analytic engine). Machines were never completed.
The analytical machine is particularly important because it is designed in a way that today's computers are used.
He had parts FOLLOWING:

output unit
memory (remembered)
governance unit

About 1890. Mr. Herman Hollerith made a machine that worked on the principle of aperture cards. He is considered the father of electromechanical data processing.
This machine uses the census in the U.S. which shortens from four years to six weeks!
Achieved huge commercial success, the business world is interested in this machine.
Hollerith (along with several other companies) 1924th founded the company IBM.

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